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North Holland Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command
Provinciaal Militair Commando/Garnizoenscommando Noord-Holland

Part I | Part II

32 Ciestnatres470 Pelnatres472 Pelnatres473 Pelnatres471 Pelnatres364 Pelnatres362 Pelnatres363 Pelnatres366 Pelnatres367 Pelnatres365 Pelnatres361 Pelnatres451 Grdpel420 Infbevcie Mbl338 Infbevcie646 Wktrcie336 Infbevcie411 Wktrcie337 Ltinfbevcie375 Ltinfbevcie338 Zwinfbevcie339 InfbevciePMC/GC NH31 Ciestnatres334 LtinfbevcieSsvcie PMC/GC NH

Unit Location Peace Strength War Strength
Staff and Support Company
North Holland Provincial
Military Command/Garrison Command
Amsterdam 7/15/1/17 (40) 61/30/85/19 (195)
420 Mobile Security Infantry Company Amsterdam 5/24/92/2 (123) 6/21/139/2 (168)

334 Light Security Infantry Company [a] 5/16/109 (130)
336 Security Infantry Company [b] 6/21/139 (166)
337 Light Security Infantry Company [c] 5/16/109 (130)
338 Security Infantry Company [a] 6/21/139 (166)
339 Security Infantry Company [a] 6/21/139 (166)
375 Light Security Infantry Company [d] 5/16/109 (130)
385 Heavy Security Infantry Company [e] 6/18/123 (147)
31 Company Staff, National Reserve Corps [f] 2/4/17 (23)
32 Company Staff, National Reserve Corps [f] 2/4/17 (23)
361 (Zaandam) Platoon, National Reserve Corps 1/4/29 (34)
362 (Bussum) Platoon, National Reserve Corps 1/4/29 (34)
363 (Hilversum) Platoon, National Reserve Corps 1/4/29 (34)
364 (Velsen) Platoon, National Reserve Corps 1/4/29 (34)
365 (Beemster) Platoon, National Reserve Corps 1/4/29 (34)
366 (Velsen) Platoon, National Reserve Corps 1/4/29 (34)
367 (Bergen) Platoon, National Reserve Corps 1/4/29 (34)
470 (Egmond?) Platoon, National Reserve Corps 1/4/29 (34)
471 (Den Oever) Platoon, National Reserve Corps 1/4/29 (34)
472 (Naarden) Platoon, National Reserve Corps 1/4/29 (34)
473 (Diemen) Platoon, National Reserve Corps 1/4/29 (34)
646 Labour Company Amsterdam 5/12/111 (128) 6/15/145 (166)
411 Labour Company [g] 6/15/146 (167)
451 Burial Platoon [h] 1/2/16 (19)

a. Filled by mobilisable personnel that had fulfilled their active-duty period in 420 Mobile Security Infantry Company up to eight and a half years prior to mobilisation.1
b. Filled by mobilisable personnel that had fulfilled their active-duty period in A Company, 48 Armoured Infantry Battalion up to eight and a half years prior to mobilisation.1
c. Filled by mobilisable personnel that had fulfilled their active-duty period in B Company, 48 Armoured Infantry Battalion up to eight and a half years prior to mobilisation.1
d. Filled by mobilisable personnel that had fulfilled their active-duty period in B Company, 44 Armoured Infantry Battalion up to eight and a half years prior to mobilisation.1
e. Filled by mobilisable personnel that had fulfilled their active-duty period in C Company, 48 Armoured Infantry Battalion up to eight and a half years prior to mobilisation.1
f. National Reserve (NATRES) company staff would take three or more NATRES platoons under command. Other platoons would operate under the command of a security infantry company, or directly under the Provincial Military Commander/Garrison Commander.2
g. RIM company, filled by mobilisable platoons that had fulfilled their active-duty period in 647 Labour Company between four and twenty months prior to mobilisation.1 3
h. Filled by personnel from the general pool of mobilisable reserves (vrij-indeelbaar bestand) that had fulfilled their active-duty period in relevant functions up to eight and a half years prior to mobilisation.1

Part I | Part II

Kazco De ZwaluwenbergKazco HembrugKazco Kolonel PalmkazerneKazco WeeshuiskazerneKazco RipperdakazerneKazco Voormalige FokkerfabriekKazco Oranje-NassaukazerneKazco Luitenant-kolonel MaaskampkazerneKazco Lpl CrailoKazco Fort EdamKazco Sarphatistraat 112Kazco Gncplx Nieuwe MeerKazco Magcplx Nieuw-LoosdrechtKazco Van Eeghenstraat 78Kazco Korporaal Van OudheusdenkazerneKazco Mobcplx UitgeestKazco Mobcplx Den OeverKazco Mobcplx EgmondKazco Mobcplx BussumKazco Mobcplx Bergen NH

Unit Location Peace Strength War Strength
Barracks Command Bergen Mobilisation Complex Bergen NH -/-/-/6 (6) -/1/-/6 (7)
Barracks Command Bussum Mobilisation Complex Bussum -/-/-/5 (5) -/1/-/6 (7)
Barracks Command Den Oever Mobilisation Complex Den Oever -/-/-/5 (5) -/1/-/6 (7)
Barracks Command Egmond Mobilisation Complex Egmond -/-/-/3 (3) -/1/-/4 (5)
Barracks Command Uitgeest Mobilisation Complex Uitgeest -/-/-/3 (3) -/1/-/4 (5)
Barracks Command Van Eeghenstraat 78 Amsterdam -/-/-/1 (1) -/-/-/1 (1)
Barracks Command Former Fokker Factory Amsterdam -/1/-/1 (2) -/-/-/1 (1)
Barracks Command Oranje-Nassau Barracks Amsterdam 4/9/13/30 (56) 4/9/8/29 (50)
Barracks Command Sarphatistraat 112 Amsterdam -/-/-/3 (3) -/-/-/3 (3)
Barracks Command Kolonel Palm Barracks Bussum -/6/9/26 (41) -/4/9/25 (38)
Barracks Command Luitenant-kolonel Maaskamp Barracks Den Helder -/5/7/18 (30) -/5/9/18 (32)
Barracks Command Fort Edam Edam -/-/-/2 (2) -/-/-/2 (2)
Barracks Command Ripperda Barracks Haarlem -/3/6/23 (32) -/3/7/23 (33)
Barracks Command De Zwaluwenberg Hilversum -/2/3/7 (12) -/2/3/7 (12)
Barracks Command Korporaal Van Oudheusden Barracks Hilversum 1/12/20/30 (63) -/8/20/28 (56)
Barracks Command Crailo Barracks Laren NH 3/9/15/19 (46) 1/6/11/17 (35)
Barracks Command Weeshuis Barracks Naarden -/2/2/7 (11) -/2/2/7 (11)
Barracks Command Nieuw-Loosdrecht Stores Complex Nieuw-Loosdrecht -/-/-/2 (2) -/-/-/2 (2)
Barracks Command Nieuwe Meer Engineer Complex Nieuwe Meer ? ?
Barracks Command Hembrug Zaandam -/-/-/5 (5) -/-/-/5 (5)
North Holland Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command Peace Strength: 25/100/279/215 (619)
North Holland Provincial Military Command/Garrison Command War Strength: 139/308/1820/215 (2482)


1. NIMH 205A/10, Aflossing van mobilisabele eenheden en -aanvullingen d.d. 27 mei 1980. Ibid., d.d. 11 november 1983. Ibid., d.d. 17 juni 1985.
2. VS 7-265, 13. Hoffenaar en Schoenmakers, November Romeo, 112-113.
3. RIM was the Dutch acronym for Direct Influx into Mobilisable Units (Rechtstreekse Instroming in Mobilisabele Eenheden). GRIM was a variant of this system, meaning "Largely RIM" (Grotendeels Rechtstreekse Instroming in Mobilisabele Eenheden). For a survey of the Royal Army's unit filling and reserve system see Gijsbers, Blik in de smidse, 2222-2231; Selles, Personele vulling; Berghuijs, Opleiding, 14-23. In English: Isby and Kamps, Armies, 341-343; Sorrell, Je Maintiendrai, 94-96; Van Vuren, The Royal Netherlands Army TodayMilitary Review April 1982, 23-28.