Air Force
Luchtmacht (KLu)
Organisation 1 | Force Profile and Operational Tasks
Unit |
Location |
Strength |
Strength |
Air Force Staff [a] |
Haag |
? |
Air Force Staff
Corps [b] |
Haag |
? |
1 Air
Force Signal Group [c] |
en Riel |
120?) |
? |
Administrative Corps SHAPE [d] |
(BE) |
? |
? |
Administrative Corps AFCENT [d] |
Brunssum |
? |
? |
Administrative Corps NORTHAG/TWOATAF [d] |
(GE) |
? |
? |
Air Force Staff
School |
Ypenburg |
? |
? |
Military Academy [e] |
Breda |
? |
? |
Object Security Platoon [Royal Army] [f] |
– |
– |
(38) |
Object Security Platoon [Royal Army] [f] |
– |
– |
(38) |
Centre Nijmegen [g] |
(Nijmegen) |
– |
? |
└ 586
Object Security Platoon [Royal Army] [h] |
– |
– |
(38) |
└ 587
Object Security Platoon [Royal Army] [h] |
– |
– |
(38) |
Army personnel for field dressing stations [i] |
– |
– |
(89) |
a. |
organisation. Headed by
the Air Force (Bevelhebber der Luchtstrijdkrachten, BDL) who was also Chief of
Staff of the Air Force (Chief of the Air Force Staff) (Chef
Luchtmachtstaf, CLS). BDL/CLS
and his staff were
responsible for the policies concerning (the preparation
for) combat operations and for the operational effectiveness
the units and installations of the Royal Air Force. The Royal Air
Force's primary combat and combat support units were under operational
control of NATO's Commander Second Allied Tactical Air Force
(COMTWOATAF) in peace and wartime. Operational control was
delegated by Commander Allied
Air Forces Central Europe (COMAAFCE), who held operational
command. For an optimal span
of control BDL/CLS delegated part of his authority and responsibilities
to Commander Tactical
Air Force and Commander Logistic and Training.
The Air
Staff (Luchtmachtstaf, LS) mainly comprised the Staff Group,
the Air
Force Staff Cabinet, the Staff Group Legal Affairs and, under the
Deputy Chief of Staff, eight divisions grouped under a
Subchief Operations (Souschef
Operatiën) and a Subchief
Plans (Souschef Plannen). 'Operations' comprised four
divisions: Operational Control; Intelligence and
Security; Flight and Operational Safety; Signals. 'Plans' also
comprised four divisions:
Plans; Operational Needs; Organisation; Command and Provision of
Information. Sub 'Operations' the Head of the Intelligence
and Security Division (Afdeling Inlichtingen en
Veiligheid) was also Head of the Air Force Intelligence
(Luchtmacht Inlichtingendienst, LUID) which
was part of the Air Force Staff administratively
but fell directly under the Minister of Defence. On mobilisation
the Air Force Staff, together with staff elements subordinate to the
three ministerial directors of the Air
Force Board
(Luchtmachtraad, LUMARA), would form the Royal Air Force War Staff
(Oorlogsstaf Koninklijke Luchtmacht, OS/KLu). In addition to the units
shown here, three training
detachments (NODs) in the United States, subordinate to Logistic and Training Command
in peacetime, would in wartime be placed under the War Staff, as would
the Royal
Military Constabulary District Royal Air Force in the Federal Republic
of Germany (FRG) and the Air Force
Attaché (Luchtmachtattaché) in Washington DC, who in
peacetime probably fell under ministerial authority.2
b. |
Air Force Staff Corps (Korps Luchtmachtstaf, KLS) provided
administrative support and service support to the Air Force Staff and
other (ministerial and non-ministerial) staff units of the Royal Air
Force. Service support included providing accommodation, catering,
library, printing and transport services. As such KLS was comparable to
the Army Staff Corps Command and the Ministry of Defence Corps
Command (Army), see Royal Army, Part
I, note d. Part of the Air Force Staff Corps was located at Ypenburg Air Base. The KLS commander
was also commander of that air base.3 |
c. |
a listening post at Kamp 'De Kiek' in Alphen-Riel, gathering signals
intelligence (SIGINT) through the interception, decoding and
analysis of high-frequency (HF) radio traffic from Warsaw Pact
countries. Providing early warning of an enemy attack
was an
important part of this. Personnel worked in shifts. Other tasks were
monitoring all Royal Air Force communications to ensure procedures were
observed and to improve communications security in general; and to
check communication equipment and computers for unintended signal
leakage. This task included periodically carrying out 'debugging'
at locations where classified information was processed or discussed. The
group reported to the Air Force Intelligence Service (see note a),
under whose operational control they fell. In 1973 personnel strength
was 123 (77 military and 46 civilians).4 |
d. |
See also
Royal Army, Part V. |
e. |
See also
Royal Army, Part
III. |
f. |
Filled by mobilisable
personnel from 16
Armoured Infantry Battalion
(RIM) after their fourteen to sixteen-month RIM period in that unit had
expired, up to eight and a half years prior to mobilisation.5 |
g. |
Would be established
on mobilisation and most
likely disbanded once mobilisation would be completed. |
h. |
To be assigned further
after mobilisation.6
Filled by mobilisable personnel from 14
Armoured Infantry Battalion
(RIM) after their fourteen to sixteen-month RIM period in that unit had
expired, up to eight and a half years prior to mobilisation.5 |
i. |
by Royal Army medical reserve
officers and reserve sub-officers from the
general pool of mobilisable
(vrij-indeelbaar bestand) that had fulfilled their active-duty
period in relevant functions up to twelve and a half years prior to
mobilisation.5 Non-organic
grouping of medical detachments for Royal Air
Force field dressing stations, to be assigned further after
mobilisation. The grouping comprises fourteen detachments referred to
as Type
A, A1,
B, B1, C, D, E or F. These types probably refer to the specific medical
qualifications of this personnel. The largest detachment was thirteen
strong, the smallest four men.7 See also
Air Force Tactical
Command, part I, note a. |
Force Profile and Operational Tasks 8
The Royal Air Force was organised to meet national and, especially, NATO
peace and wartime requirements. Its operational tasks demanded high
combat readiness, short response times and a high degree of operational
flexibility. Combat and combat support units were already under NATO
operational command in peacetime, and in terms of its main command
structure the Royal Air Force's peacetime organisation differed from
its wartime organisation only in the realm of logistics and services (see note a above and the notes a sub Air Force Tactical
Command and Logistic and Training Command).
Likewise the peacetime organisations of combat and combat support units
were largely identical to their wartime organisations.9 In the context of NATO defence the Royal Air Force had the following main operational tasks:
- Defending NATO airspace against aggression
- Achieving and maintaining air superiority in the NATO command area
- Providing tactical support to NATO ground forces and to NATO naval forces in the allocated area of the North Sea and the Channel
- Controlling and securing air traffic in Netherlands airspace
- Supporting, supplying and sustaining the Royal Air Force's contribution to NATO defence
For this the Royal Air Force had, in terms of combat units, the following means (nearly all to be found under Air Force Tactical
- Eight squadrons of fighter-bomber aircraft and one tactical reconnaissance (fighter-bomber) squadron (306 Squadron), each squadron organically equipped with eighteen aircraft (18 'units equipped' or 18 UE)
- Ten surface-to-air guided missile squadrons based in West Germany
- Ground-based active air defence units: eight surface-to-air missile equipped
Assault Firing Units (AFU) in the Netherlands, twenty-seven
radar-autocannon combinations in the Netherlands and four such
combinations in West Germany (Short Range Air Defence, SHORAD)
- One reporting and air defence direction centre with one radar station and one radar post (CRC)
In terms of combat support units: The nine fighter-bomber squadrons would operate in the following roles:
- Air defence (AD)
- In
principle all non AD-roled F-16 equipped fighter-bomber squadrons had
(contributing to) air defence operations as their secondary task
('defensive counter-air operations', under daylight conditions only,
because of the limitations of the available armament)
- Tactical air reconnaissance (306 Squadron)
- Conventional offensive operations (under daylight conditions), comprising
- 'offensive
counter air' operations (including ground attack, fighter sweep, combat
air patrol, air escort, defence suppression and intercept
- 'air interdiction' operations (conducted to
destroy, neutralise or delay the enemy's military potential before it
could be brought to bear effectively against friendly forces, conducted
beyond the operational reach of friendly forces)
- 'offensive air
support' operations (including tactical air reconnaissance, battlefield
air interdiction and close air support missions)
- 'tactical air support for maritime operations'
- Nuclear missions (311 and 312 Squadron)
1985 the Royal Air Force's projected peacetime personnel strength for
1987 was 18,646 heads, including 3,343 conscripts (18%) and 2,929 civilian personnel (16%).
Mobilisation would add about 35% of reservists: some 6,500 men,
bringing wartime strength to approximately 25,000
Conscripts were in principle employed only where their
training required no more than one third of their active-duty
service period (which was fourteen months for corporals and soldiers, seventeen
months for officers and sub-officers). Consequently conscript personnel
was mainly assigned to Air Force Security (infantry) units. The pool of
reservists however did not only include mobilisable conscripts but also
professional personnel that had served in fixed-term contracts.11 NATO's Allied Command Europe (ACE) Standards demanded that there would be 1.5 crew (usually: pilot) for each combat aircraft assigned to Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR). Pilot shortages however meant that the Royal Air Force could offer no more than 1.2 pilot per aircraft. After NATO Simple Alert
the Royal Air Force would try to bring this ratio up to at least 1.4 by
assigning pilots that in peacetime performed non-flying duties on air
bases and in staffs and training units.12 Pilot shortages were caused by budgetary constraints originating in the
mid-1970s, inefficient selection methods and the lure of better paying
commercial airlines.13
1. |
Organisation: NL-HaNA
2.13.182, inv. nr. 663, Concept krijgsmachtdeelplan
Koninklijke Luchtmacht 1987-1996 d.d. 20 december 1985, 88-89.
430, inv. nr. 54 (Slagorde KL stand 1 juli 1985),
Blad S2. NIMH
723, inv. nr. 75, Organisatie en organisatieschema's m.b.t. de KLu d.d.
1 augustus 1984, 22. Ibid., two undated organisation charts (±
1970-1980). HTK 1983-1984,
kamerstuknr. 18169 ondernr. 2
(Defensienota 1984-1993), 114.
Object security units: NL-HaNA 2.13.113,
inv. nr. 814, Indeling LB/OB-eenheden d.d.
18 februari 1980, Bijlage A. NIMH 430, loc. cit. |
2. |
2.13.182, inv. nr. 663, op.cit., 85-86, 88-89. NIMH
430, inv. nr. 54, loc. cit. NIMH
723, inv. nr. 75, Organisatie en organisatieschema's m.b.t. de KLu d.d.
1 augustus 1984, 23. Intelligence and Security Division of the
Air Force Staff and Air Force Intelligence Service: Kluiters, De Nederlandse,
225. There was a large overlap between the two, i.e. many
worked for both organisations. Kluiters,
loc. cit. The 1986-1987 intelligence reports of the LUID are explored
in Van Bavel en Pronk, Een
goede vlucht. |
3. |
kindly provided by Royal Air Force
Lieutenant-Colonel R. Dorenbos (Rtd.) (email 21.06.2023). Beeldbank
NIMH, obj. nr. 2157_048625. Website VOFE
Ypenburg, Calendarium vliegveld Ypenburg, 3.
4. |
Kluiters, De Nederlandse,
227. Van Loo, Crossing, 135-136.
Kwisthout, Van
Luisterdienst, 27. Debugging: scanning for
hidden eavesdropping devices. |
5. |
NIMH 205A/10,
Aflossing van mobilisabele eenheden en -aanvullingen d.d. 11 november
1983. Ibid., d.d. 17 juni 1985. |
6. |
NIMH 430, inv.
nr. 54, loc.cit. |
7. |
430, inv.
nr. 54, Blad S2 en tabellarisch deel KL ob KLu. It should be
that this grouping is an editorial representation of the fourteen
seperate detachments. It should also be noted that the July 1985
Royal Army order of battle lists a further twenty-seven small to very
small unspecified Royal Army detachments
assigned to various Royal Air Force units; for
editorial reasons these are not shown on this
website. NIMH 430, inv. nr. 54, loc. cit. |
8. | | Unless footnoted otherwise this section is a translated summary of NL-HaNA
2.13.182, inv. nr. 663, op.cit., 36-40, 47-51. | 9. | | NL-HaNA
2.13.182, inv. nr. 663, op.cit., 88-89, 126-127. For
combat and combat support units the difference would mainly be the
incorporation of mobilised personnel, both as reinforcements (e.g.
security infantry units) and to enable round-the-clock operations. | 10. | | Ibid., 141. The 1984 Defence White Paper puts the peacetime strength at 19,700. HTK, Defensienota 1984,
113. This is likely the 'budget strength' (begrotingssterkte) or
authorised strength. In 1985 the projected authorised peacetime
strength for 1987 was 20,959. NL-HaNA
2.13.182, inv. nr. 663, op.cit., 141. About 35% reservists: Dekkers, Vrijwillig,
219. It is not clear whether the ± 6,500 reservists include the ± 3,800
Royal Army personnel that would be mobilised to form the object security units. | 11. | | NL-HaNA
2.13.182, inv. nr. 663, op.cit., 126, 128-129. | 12. | | Ibid., 50. | 13. | | De Jong, Vlucht, 208, 211. Helfferich, Squadrons (1994), 49, 51, 55. Inefficient selection methods: see Logistic and Training Command, note j. |