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Logistic and Training Command 1
Commando Logistiek en Opleidingen (CLO)

LB pelLB pel (2x)CLODPODELMDVMLMSDATIMMTG KLuLIMOSDSM/Vlb Wdt516 Objbewsq [KL]NOD Fort RuckerLETSKapel KLuNOD ErndtebrückKKSLNOD Fort Bliss522 ObjbewsqLUOSRLS EeldeSt CLOVOTC/AOV80 LB SqNOD Sheppard    
Unit Location Peace Strength War Strength
Staff Logistic and Training Command [a] Zeist ?
Jet Engine Depot/Woensdrecht Air Base [b]
Woensdrecht ?
80 Air Force Security Squadron [c]
Woensdrecht -/6/15 (21)
5/16/136 (157)
└ Air Force Security platoon x 2 1/4/41 (46) x 2
516 Object Security Squadron [Royal Army] [d]
5/15/105 (125)
522 Object Security Squadron [Royal Army] [d]
5/15/105 (125)
Aircraft Materiel Depot [e] Gilze-Rijen ? ?
General and Technical Service Materiel Depot [f] Soestduinen ? ?
Electronic Materiel Depot [g] Rhenen ? ?
└ Air Force Security platoon [c] Rhenen -/3/17 (20) 1/6/50 (57)
Royal Air Force Motorised Transport Group [h] Zeist ? ?
Air Force Meteorological Squadron [i] De Bildt ? ?
Air Safety Training and Test Centre/Additional Pilot Training [j] Soesterberg ? ?
Air Force Officer School [j] [k] Gilze-Rijen ? ?
Air Force Royal Cadre School [l] Schaarsbergen ? ?
Air Force Electronical and Technical School Deelen ? ?
Air Force Instruction and Military Training School [m] Nijmegen ? ?
Detachment State Aviation School Eelde [j] Eelde ? ?
Netherlands Training Detachment Erndtebrück [n] Erndtebrück (GE) ? ?
Netherlands Training Detachment Sheppard [o] Wichita Falls (US) ? ?
Netherlands Training Detachment Fort Rucker [p] Dale County (US) ? ?
Netherlands Training Detachment Fort Bliss [q] El Paso (US) ? ?
Defence Pipeline Organisation [r] Noordwijk ? ?
Royal Air Force Band Nijmegen ? ?


a.Peacetime organisation. Headed by Commander Logistic and Training (Commandant Logistiek en Opleidingen, CLO). Comprising four sections: Personnel, Training and Operations, Logistics, Economic Management; and a Disbandment Detachment. On mobilisation Logistic and Training Command would close down, the staff, insofar not occupied with training or schooling aspects, merging with the staff of Air Force Tactical Command to form the Tactical Air Force War Staff (Oorlogsstaf Tactische Luchtstrijdkrachten, OS/TL). In wartime all units subordinate to CLO shown here would be placed under the Tactical Air Force War Staff, insofar not closing down (units shown in grey in the chart above) and with the exception of the three training detachments in the United States (NODs), which would be placed under the semi-ministerial Royal Air Force War Staff (Oorlogsstaf Koninklijke Luchtmacht, OS/KLu); see Royal Air Force, note a. Commander Logistic and Training would in wartime remain responsible for training, presumably as part of the Tactical Air Force War Staff; however, there were no preparations to establish a wartime training organisation.2 
b. The Jet Engine Depot (Depot Straalmotoren, DSM) was located at Woensdrecht Air Base (Vliegbasis Woensdrecht, Vlb WDT). The Jet Engine Depot was responsible for the maintenance, repair and overhaul of (jet) aircraft engines and the jet engines of  guided air defence weapons (I-HAWK and Nike Hercules), which responsibility included the storage of and supply of spare parts. Woensdrecht Air Base was, in NATO terms, a Reserve Airfield, a Collocated Operating Base and a Lines of Communications Airfield (LOC).3 
c. Peacetime and wartime strengths include a security dog group (hondengeleiders) of -/2/9 (11).4  
d.Filled by mobilisable personnel from 16 Armoured Infantry Battalion (RIM) after their fourteen to sixteen-month RIM period in that unit had expired, up to eight and a half years prior to mobilisation.5  
e. The Aircraft Materiel Depot (Depot Vliegtuigmaterieel, DVM) was responsible for the maintenance, repair and overhaul of aircraft and aircraft parts, which included the storage of and supply of spare parts.6
f. The General and Technical Service Materiel Depot (Depot Algemeen Technisch en Intendancematerieel, DATIM) was responsible for storing, assaying and distributing a large variety of articles.7
g. The Electronic Materiel Depot (Depot Elektronisch Materieel, DELM) was responsible for the storage, maintenance, repair and calibration of electronic parts and the supply of these to operational units. DELM further provided technical support to units, as well as a number of specialist, system-specific training courses.7
h. The Royal Air Force Motorised Transport Group (Motortransportgroep Koninklijke Luchtmacht, MTG KLu) handled transports that fell outside a radius of thirty kilometres from air force locations or units. Within that radius units handled their transports themselves. The group had a small detachment with a few truck tractors and aircraft trailers at Gilze-Rijen Air Base.8
i.The Air Force Meteorological Squadron (Luchtmacht Meteorologisch Squadron, LMS) provided training for meteorological personnel.9 See Air Force Tactical Command, Part VI. It probably had another role as well, since the squadron would not be disbanded in wartime.
j.Aspirant pilots who had passed a general selection and aeromedical examination started their training and went through further selection with the Detachment (at the) State Aviation School Eelde (Detachement Rijksluchtvaarstschool Eelde, RLS Eelde) which provided the combined Pilot Selection and Training Course (Selectie Vliegeropleiding, SVO). The student pilots then went to the Air Force Officer School (Luchtmacht Officiersschool, LUOS) in Gilze-Rijen for a seventeen-week officer's course. This preliminary phase was concluded with four to five-week training at the Air Safety Training and Test Centre/Additional Pilot Training (Vliegveiligheids Oefen- en Testcentrum/Aanvullende Opleiding Vliegers, VOTC/AOV) in Soesterberg. (For part of the further training of jet pilots, see note o.) The combination of selection and training during the SVO led to an unacceptably high failure rate; unacceptable not only financially but especially in view of the Royal Air Force's large pilot shortages in the second half of the 1980s. From 1988 selection and training were decoupled in a reorganised structure, which by 1992 had reduced the failure rate of student pilots from thirty-five to twelve percent.10   
k.The Air Force Officer School (Luchtmacht Officiersschool, LUOS) handled the schooling and training of officers on a fixed-term contract, officers for special services, academically educated reserve officers and medical reserve officers. In addition LUOS provided a specialist officer's course for excelling adjutants and a number of other specialist courses. At the end of the 1980s LUOS had 50 teachers and a capacity of 500-600 students per year.11  
l.The Air Force Royal Cadre School (Koninklijke Kaderschool Luchtmacht, KKSL) handled the schooling and training of sub-officers.12  
m.The Air Force Instruction and Military Training School (Luchtmacht Instructie en Militaire Opleidingen School, LIMOS) handled the initial schooling and training of, predominantly, conscript soldiers and corporals, of which a large portion would go to the Air Force Security units (Luchtmacht Beveiliging, LB). In 1990 LIMOS comprised four training squadrons and a staff of 550 military and civilians.12  
n.Netherlands Training Detachment Erndtebrück (Nederlands Opleidingsdetachement Erndtebrück, NOD Erndtebrück) in West Germany was part of the International Cell (ITC) of 5 (GE) Training Group of 2 (GE) Air Force Technical School (Internationale Ausbildungststelle, V. Lehrgruppe, Technische Schule der Luftwaffe 2), training (ground-based) radar operating personnel, probably in the context of the NATO Air Defence Ground Environment (NADGE). The ITC was a joint training unit of the German, Netherlands and Belgian air forces.13 
o.Netherlands Training Detachment Sheppard (Nederlands Opleidingsdetachement Sheppard, NOD Sheppard) was part of the Euro-NATO Joint Jet Training Programme (ENJJPT) at Sheppard Air Force Base in Texas, United States. ENJJPT trained student air force pilots of twelve NATO countries, including the US and Canada, in the primary principles of jet flying. The programme took fifty-five weeks, usually ten to twenty Netherlands student pilots took part.14
p.Netherlands Training Detachment Fort Rucker (Nederlands Opleidingsdetachement Fort Rucker, NOD Fort Rucker) supported the Royal Air Force's aspirant helicopter pilots who received their thirty-week initial helicopter training at the US Army Aviation Centre in Fort Rucker, Texas where they were placed in the Euro-NATO classes. After this the student pilots completed their training with 300 Squadron of the Light Aircraft Group at Deelen Air Base, which took thirty-eight weeks.15  
q.Netherlands Training Detachment Fort Bliss (Nederlands Opleidingsdetachement Fort Bliss, NOD Fort Bliss) probably supported the training of technical personnel for the I-HAWK-equipped anti-aircraft guided weapon units (3 and 5 Guided Weapon Group), which took place with the producer of the HAWK system, Raytheon in El Paso, Texas, United States. This ended somewhere in 1985 when the training was relocated to the Anti-Air Artillery School of the Belgian Army in Lombardsyde, Belgium. The NOD (further) supported the training of technical personnel for the Nike Hercules-equipped anti-aircraft guided weapon units (12 Guided Weapon Group), which training was provided at the NAMSA Nike Training Centre (NNTC) in Fort Bliss. The NOD was probably located with the US Army Air Defense School (USAADS) in said place.16
r.The Defence Pipeline Organisation (Defensie Pijpleidingsorganisatie, DPO) was responsible for operating and maintaining the Netherlands part of the NATO Central European Pipeline System (CEPS), which was known as 5 (NL) Pipeline Division, in the Royal Air Force abbreviated to 5 PLD. 5 PLD comprised a total length of ± 1,100 kilometres worth of fuel pipeline. Of the air bases only Leeuwarden Air Base was not connected to the system; it was supplied by fuel lighters. As the Royal Air Force was by far the largest consumer of fuel, the DPO was incorporated in the Directorate Materiel Royal Air Force (Directie Materieel Koninklijke Luchtmacht) of the Ministry of Defence in November 1983; Logistic and Training Command presumably held operational control. In wartime operational control would pass to NATO Commander-in-Chief Allied Forces Central Europe (CINCENT).17   

1. Organisation: NL-HaNA 2.13.182, inv. nr. 663, Concept krijgsmachtdeelplan Koninklijke Luchtmacht 1987-1996 d.d. 20 december 1985, 88-89. NIMH 430, inv. nr. 54 (Slagorde KL stand 1 juli 1985), Blad S2. NIMH 723, inv. nr. 75, Organisatie en organisatieschema's m.b.t. de KLu d.d. 1 augustus 1984, 22. HTK 1983-1984, kamerstuknr. 18169 ondernr. 2 (Defensienota 1984-1993), 114. Air Force Security and Object security units: NL-HaNA 2.13.113, inv. nr. 814, Indeling LB/OB-eenheden d.d. 18 februari 1980, Bijlagen A, C, D en E. NIMH 430, loc. cit.
2.NIMH 723, inv. nr. 75, op. cit., 32. NL-HaNA 2.13.182, inv. nr. 663, op.cit., 85. This 1985 document notes that the need for a wartime training organisation was "under study".
3.Jet Engine Depot: Van Loo, Crossing, 75-76. Reserve Airfield: to be operational within three days on order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force, enabling one combat aircraft squadron to operate from the air base under wartime conditions. Collocated Operating Base (COB): air base that could accommodate one or more allied combat aircraft squadrons in times of crisis or war. This was laid down in bilateral agreements (Netherlands-US and Netherlands-UK). Lines of Communications airfield (LOC): airfield or air base earmarked to receive and transfer allied reinforcements in the form of personnel, equipment or supplies coming in from the United States and possibly the UK. LOC airfields would be opened on NATO Simple Alert, or sooner if bilaterally agreedNL-HaNA 2.13.182, inv. nr. 663, op.cit., 56-57, 61.
4. NL-HaNA 2.13.113,  inv. nr. 814, op. cit., Bijlage E. 
5.NIMH 205A/10, Aflossing van mobilisabele eenheden en -aanvullingen d.d. 11 november 1983. 
6. Van Loo, op. cit., 76. The author appears to combine the responsibilities of DSM and DVM; here they have been specified by what the unit names suggest. 
7. Van Loo, op. cit., 76. 
8.Van Loo, op. cit., 137 en voetnoot 166 aldaar. 
9.Van Loo, op. cit., 132. 
10.Van Loo, op. cit., 105-110. 
11.Van Loo, op. cit., 89-90. 
12.Van Loo, op. cit., 89. 
13.Dragoner, Bundeswehr, Teil 3, 38. Website Erndtebrück, Luftwaffenstandort Erndtebrück.
14.Van Loo, op. cit., 113-114. 
15.De Jong, Vlucht, 208. Helfferich, Nederlandse Koninklijke, 50. 
16.Nederlof, Blazing Skies, 119, 121-122. I-HAWK training at Lombardsyde: the Royal Air Force had trained technical HAWK personnel there up to 1978, when Belgium initially decided not to join the Improved HAWK programme. NAMSA: NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency. The NTCC was established in or around 1980 to accommodate NATO countries that, contrary to the US, had not yet disposed of the Nike. Ibid.      
17.Van Loo, op. cit., 141-142. Operational control CINCENT in wartime: NL-HaNA 2.13.182, inv. nr. 663, op. cit., 88. CEPS: see also Royal Army, 1 (NL) Corps, Corps Logistic Command, passim.